Proven to increase cleaning compliance



The most advanced system available to evaluate environmental cleanliness.

Use the EvaluClean™ system to conform with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare, NSQHS standard 3.11 - Clean Environment.

The new Clinell EvaluClean™ System can be used as both an educational tool and a way to evaluate cleanliness.

The system consists of fluorescent markers, fluorescent powder, and a UV torch.

Efficacy data
How to use

Read the instructions carefully. Unscrew the end of the torch, insert 3 x AAA batteries into the removable chamber, and rescrew cap.

Mark the areas around the room, listed on the sheet with the UV pen with a 5-10cm circle.

Invite someone into the room and ask them to clean it.

When they have finished, use the UV torch to identify the high touch points which have been missed when cleaning.

Product line
Product Product code
EvaluClean™ kit CUV1
EvaluClean™ pens CUVP6

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