
Our high-quality, sustainably-manufactured products are designed to reduce infections and improve patient care at every opportunity. We're proud to act responsibly as an employer, as a manufacturer and as a part of the global IPC community.

Material Compatibility

We're proactive when it comes to material compatibility. Find out if our products are compatibile with your equipment or learn more about material compatibility.


We encourage environmental best practice in every area of our business and are always looking for new ways to reduce our impact on the natural world.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We take seriously the responsibilities we have to our communities and are dedicated to real initiatives that have a positive impact on the world.

Regulatory Affairs & Quality Assurance

Beyond simply meeting government regulations, we work hard to make sure every GAMA product delivers the exceptional quality and efficacy needed to keep patients safe.

Our Sourcing Policies

Our products are manufactured by us, in partnership with select companies worldwide. We take active steps to ensure every link in our chain behaves responsibly.


COVID-19 Risk Assessment

As we return to work, the safety of all employees is our highest priority. We have carefully assessed the risks of COVID-19 with reference to government and industry guidance.

Environmental Policy

We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment and we have our ISO 14001 accreditation.


Quality Policy

GAMA is committed to effective implementation of the Quality Management System (QMS) in compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 Standard.

APCO Annual Report and Action Plan

This document provides the overall performance level of our organisation, as well as any commitments we have made to work towards on our packaging sustainability journey.

