Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Everything you need to know

Formerly known as ‘2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV),’ this is an emerging disease caused by a viral strain similar to those that cause ‘Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV)’ and the 2003 SARS coronavirus.

What is 'COVID-19?'

COVID-19 is the new official name for the disease caused by the coronavirus first described in late 2019. The name comes from (COronaVIrus Disease 2019). This novel coronavirus causes symptoms very similar to pneumonia. Unfortunately, because it's caused by a virus, it can't be treated by antibiotics. The virus itself has been named SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2), because of genetic similarities to the virus that caused SARS in 2003. Previously, it was known as ‘2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).’

How does it spread?
We know this new strain of coronavirus spreads from human to human. Like other coronaviruses, evidence suggests that it spreads through a mix of direct contact and via droplets released when coughing and sneezing. Although reports now suggest that transmission might happen even if the infected person doesn't have any symptoms.

Coronavirus contaminates surfaces
We know that infectious human coronaviruses are found in our everyday environments. If the conditions are right, they can persist for days!

Prevention over treatment
There’s no specific treatment for coronavirus, which means prevention is vital. We can’t treat the infection, but we can kill the virus.


Make surfaces safe

Improving surface hygiene is one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of infection. Our educational resources, developed by IPC experts, help raise awareness and promote best practice.

Clinell Universal Wipes are effective against COVID-19

Clinell Universal Wipes are a combined cleaning and disinfectant wipe, Suitable for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and equipment, killing at least 99.99% of bacteria and viruses, including Coronavirus. The wipes are perfect for using on surfaces and equipment that are frequently used including table tops, door handles, light switches, lift buttons, desks, keyboards, chairs, check outs, EFTPOS machines and bathrooms.


5 Principles of Cleaning

When it comes to environmental cleaning, there are some simple steps that can help avoid transferring microorganisms from one surface to another.

Stop the spread

Digital resources to promote best practice and provide educational support. Developed in collaboration with leading infection prevention specialists. Free to download, print and share.


Our 5 Principles of Cleaning are designed to make best practice easy to remember. 5 simple principles to make sure microorganisms are removed and not transferred to clean surfaces. Contains an A4 poster and an ID-badge sized card.


It's hard to keep environmental hygiene top of mind when everyone is so busy. We've seen #ClinellTime initiatives across the country so we designed these resources to help hospitals run their own initiatives. Now available for everyone.


The area around COVID-19 patients should be decontaminated at least once per day. This handy pack provides 5 cribsheets demonstrating the safest, most effective ways to decontaminate bedside objects. Ideal as reference or training tools.


Effective product + best practice = protected patients. This printable poster reminds staff to how to use Clinell Universal Wipes correctly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Including how to ensure correct contact time.


Clean Between to break the chain of infection. We've run these events in hospitals all over Australia to raise awareness of the need to clean shared equipment between patients. This pack contains 6 Clean Between posters.


Designed for healthcare but applicable anywhere, our 5 Principles of Cleaning are simple steps to prevent pathogens transferring to other surfaces whilst cleaning. Brought to life with video and animation.


Learn more about our Class IIB wipes and the correct technique for using them.
Please note the product information in this video doesn't apply to our Hospital Grade wipes (BCW100AUS)

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Coronavirus: a lecture by Martin Kiernan

Martin gives a fantastic overview of the COVID-19 pandemic for healthcare workers. Find out what you need to know to help stop the spread.


Are Clinell products effective against coronavirus?

The Clinell Universal Range has been tested against strains of coronavirus and proven effective.

Do Clinell Universal Wipes comply with Australian national guidance about COVID-19?

The Australian Department of Health states that terminal cleaning of rooms of patients/residents confirmed to have COVID-19, requires both thorough cleaning and disinfection for environmental decontamination. They refer to a 2-in-1 clean being a physical clean using a combined detergent and TGA-listed hospital-grade disinfectant with activity against viruses (according to label/product information) or a chlorine-based product such as sodium hypochlorite, i.e. a combined detergent/disinfectant wipe or solution. Clinell Universal Wipes comply with Australian Government recommendations.

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What's the difference between cleaning and disinfection?

Some products clean, some disinfect, some do both. It's important to know what yours does. Cleaning physically removes dirt and microorganisms, usually by using a detergent. Disinfection kills those microorganisms. Traditional disinfectants, like chlorine, don't work in dirty conditions which means you have to clean first, dry the surface and then disinfect. Modern disinfectants, like Clinell Universal, can clean and disinfect in one wipe. Swapping from a 2-step to 2-in-1 product can actually reduce the risk of infection by simplifying the whole process.

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Are Clinell Universal Wipes tested against the actual COVID-19 strain?

COVID-19 is caused by a particular strain of coronavirus known as 'SARS-CoV-2'. Clinell Universal Wipes have been tested against this specific virus. The TGA have approved Clinell Universal Wipes as being effective against COVID-19.

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Can I use Clinell Universal Wipes on my hands?

Clinell Universal Wipes have been dermatologically tested and are considered skin friendly. We have undertaken patch testing and the product has been classified as harmless with regards to skin irritation. However, TGA guidelines prevent us for recommending this product be used as a skin or hand disinfectant. They are registered for surface use only.

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Do Clinell Wipes clean or disinfect?

Clinell Universal Wipes clean and disinfect in a single step. They're uniquely formulated and proven effective against a whole range of pathogens in dirty conditions, meaning that – unlike with alcohol – no pre-cleaning is required.

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